- 1 Store
- Unlimited staff
- Unlimited members
- Unlimited Product Categories
- Unlimited Transactions
- Customer profiles with custom fields
- Advanced Business Reporting
- Available Digital Stamp Program (Buy X Get One Free)
- Standard points program eg 1 point per euro or X points per euro
- % refund as an alternative loyalty program
- Automatic sms alerts
- Announcements / Wishes for birthday and holiday sms
- Sms notifications on expiry date, eg expiration of contracts
- Monthly subscription 65 €
- Chain of stores (2-5 outlets)
- Unlimited staff
- Unlimited Product Categories
- Unlimited Transactions
- Customer profiles with custom fields
- Advanced Business Reporting
- Available Digital Stamp Program (Buy X Get One Free)
- Standard points program eg 1 point per euro or X points per euro
- % refund as an alternative loyalty program
- Automatic sms alerts
- Announcements / Wishes for birthday and holiday sms
- Sms notifications on expiry date, eg expiration of contracts
- Call us for a presentation and learn about our monthly subscription rates
- Chain of stores (6-10 outlets)
- Unlimited staff
- Unlimited Product Categories
- Unlimited Transactions
- Customer profiles with custom fields
- Advanced Business Reporting
- Available Digital Stamp Program (Buy X Get One Free)
- Standard points program eg 1 point per euro or X points per euro
- % refund as an alternative loyalty program
- Automatic sms alerts
- Announcements / Wishes for birthday and holiday sms
- Sms notifications on expiry date, e.g. expiration of contracts
- Product category inventory point system
- Call us for a presentation and a monthly subscription